Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Never ending story..

I am back in the cycle of I dont give, sleepless nights, not wanting to do anything whatsoever...................Plus at work the lawful evil that lies within is ramping loose...Also ghosts from the past are haunting....


Vierna said...

Darling, you need to remind one thing you always forget: To take time for YOU and to do things for YOU.

If you die today, everyone else will adjust and keep on living.

And if you die today you will only take with you what you have done in your life, with your life...

Live it up. Don't kill yourself so much for others. Give yourself some treats, like a whole hour of silence everyday. Dont fall into the abnegate mother-wife stereotype/syndrome... Where is the Julia de Burgos fan? The feminist? The take-over-the-world gal? Come on, WAKE UP! You have let yourself go into a coma for too long. You have the inner strenght and the knowledge to do ANYTHING.

If there are problems, solve them right away without fussing around on other people's feelings... Sometimes you have to BE stone-cold, even if it breaks your heart.

Just my 2 cents, with love.

Coriolis said...

I dont know what is happening but give me details, come on you know you want to. And who said ther is something wrong with being Lawful Evil? Do what you feel, feel what you must and enjoy what you can