Monday, July 31, 2006

Of neantherthals, knigths and lawful evils.......

Every action or desicion has a consequence..that is a basic concept in life. Once the witch said that I should pay the neantherthal with the same coin, for what he had done..She even suggested an available individual, but the situation felt out of place, since he wasnt looking for a friend but more of a lover...For some the fun of an "other" friend relies in the extra love making,the lust...And of that I have no interest...Could be unbelivable for some but I am not fond of the sex and the lust...I can live without it or at least I dont have those I am not looking simply to have "fun" with anyone... Hence why after 11 years I have never even thought of taking an action or desicion that would even complicate my hectic life more. The enviroment in my life may not be the best but it didnt motivated me to look outside for redemption...And still I am not looking for it...

Then comes the puzzle of the Riddler...he once was a good friend, one of the few and he even came to be a love...A love that for known and uncertain feelings and circunstances I ripped off of my heart...Still to this day I wonder why? But it is of no use to wander of in the things of the past, for what is done can not be undone...Now by a weird chance of fate, perhaps, we have met again.....Oddly enough the same friendship that once was still exists as if time had not passed...The idea of building that friendship to something even better is very, very tempting...But yet again circunstances around each other are not the best; of that I am quite aware...To build something more than just a friendship many things are to be done, changes have to be embraced and goals fullfilled..But in the same way I cant ignore how much his friendship means, and I cant simply let that be lost once more....A friendship I intend to keep no matter what...

If I would let my lawful evil arise, I would pursue against all odds that which I left...for it had been one of the happiest moments in my life...Without thinking about who would suffer, how anything could be destroyed, just simply pursue my interests...just simply follow what I may want or envision...For once do as I please with all the carelesness of the world...But it is at bay, no matter what others may think or may belive to see...Too much is at stake, so desicions arent to be taken lightly or rushed...

1 comment:

Vierna said...

Just to make it clear, I dont mean fun as just lust and sex. Fun is fun, everything about it, even things just going on in the dark hole of your head that you never even sigh about. Dont give me shallow words, woman! And for the record, the only person I wanted to pair you with was Coriolis, many years ago. MrSmokey was on his own just trying to be charming, so dont mix me in that medley. And put the coin to rest, you know that is NOT your style.

My intent is not to preach you, or judge you, or tell you what to do. I write things so you are aware of things you usually dismiss as unimportant. My intent is that you actually think, something that your "careless stage" hinders. Don't get mad at me because I make you think. Ok? Believe it or not, I am on your side.

Your beautiful friendship is your business, just remember that it all began as a bet. Wolves like sheep clothing. You are too trusting... but then again, you still keep hope for everything. I have lost hope in everyone. Forgive me if I seem to be a sparrow of bad omens... I'll say no more about this matter. Promise.

A proverb says: "You should learn from other people's mistakes because you do not live long enough to make them all yourself...". Keep it in mind. Sabby?
