Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Happy, happy JOY JOY!!!

In all of my misadventures finally a wonderfull thing arrived: Sharkboy was accepted to a music school!!!!!! Highly hope that this would mark a difference, and provide many fullfilling concerts...Still dont know which instrument he might learn, although we were told that piano and guitar are full. So, many other options available, hope it would be something he can bond with...( Although I would LOVEEE to have a violin at home...)For those worry heads that still cant grasp the idea behind homeschooling, this would mean that he would be in a mainstream school until he graduates or drops out; so he is part of a "real" public school. Everything starts by January, so I shall have our school ready by then, so it can be registered and officially running. Just in case, unofficialy the homeschooling gig is running, being going to meetings, seminars, doing the work,etc,etc...

Besides that...been working,working and a little of more usual work..Although mine isnt classified as a real job...Anyway, the Christmas spirit is arriving, I tried to embrace the spirit a little at home...And on a sad note my car is officially dead; which means I would be stranded for what is left of the year and most likely in the beggining of the next...Not a good omen for a new year start, but what the heck...Later

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