Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Long time, no see

There are times when a small break is needed in order to keep on...Specially when many things happen in a short period of time. In our own uniqueness, we each have very different ways to struggle and survive...to keep on. After all, this journey is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so no matter what comes our way we must go on.

Last year was a rollercoaster year; too many downs, lows but there were some ups. It ended more on the dark, frustrated side of life but it ended. Life kept on, uneventfull, but with the assurance that change is a growing process, it doesnt happen in 24 hours or in some days. But it is a continous process that never ends, we just have to realize it and in some weird way go with it. And so, a new year starts with the same challenges, problems, world but with new perspectives on how to face them.

V's wedding was beautiful...Stressing for everyone, but beautiful..I am sad with it because I couldnt do as much as I wanted to...or as was expected. But I am glad that she enjoyed it ( and everything after it!!) Nothing that she feared happened, it was a beautiful, meaningful ceremony. Lavagirl and Sharkboy loved it! They felt part of all the process, even if they didnt really understood what it meant.

As for them, Lavagirl is on dance classes; which she loves! Sharkboy is embracing the baritone sax and although he isnt berserk about it, the sounds are promissing. He is looking forward to be given the instrument by the school. ;)

We are still homeschooling, testing approaches, curriculums looking for the right mix, so to speak...Showing someone that learning is meaningful, fun and part of us isnt an easy task. Every part of it is a challenge, from the conception to the action...Being part of the homeschooling trend is in a way like being an Xmen. You have a different perspective and do things opposite to how others do them, for some we may seem to be above the law...Homosuperior? As always what is different, or away from the norm, is considered abnormal or dangerous. When in reality all we may want is to live to the fullest.

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