Sunday, April 27, 2008

Back for more...

Time has gone so fast that I cant beleive its almost summer. At the begining of the year things didnt look so good, but as time went by everything seemed to start to fall into place. BB has kept his pace with homeschooling, improved greatly in his handwritting and enriched his vocabulary greatly. Some have seen an improvement in his communication skills but mostly in English; since in Spanish he has kept the low monotone of unexpresiveness. Lavagirl accepted the new school enviroment, although I am fully aware that it has been a lost year, academically speaking. I know she didnt learn anything new except for the freedom of recess and of her freewill to do or not do what she wants. I am considering to also homeschool her, since doing all the trips and waiting create more problems and expenses plus the enviroment/unstability of the school system add to the equation.

I had been unemployed for many months now, due to not finding a job and because of homeschooling BB. But since our economic situation is getting harder I started job hunting to try to improve it and to be able to purchase new homeschooling materials. With only one income it is virtually impossible to acquire a new curriculum or a laptop. But out of the blue I found a nice part time that might help and hopefully we will be able to either purchase the curriculum or enroll in a long distance school and upgrade to a laptop for easier usage.
The lasts few weeks have been a little hectic trying to find a balance for the homeschooling and the traveling issues...Being without a car is really a problem, specially with irregular working hours. Until now we have managed but I dont know what we will be able to do, since my car is still in repair ( plus it needs the marbete) and the one that is loaned its marbete expires April 30 :(.......Everything is money, $$$$$$$$$ plus I have to pay my students loan starting next week....MORE $$$$$$$$!!
Oh well, the only plan I can think of is either carpooling some of the days with my Mom, others with her husband and the days I am off simply stay at home and let Dad take care of Lavagirl at school. Besides the school is almost over, so he would not have to go there for the next 2 months and I do hope that for June everything is fixed since the long waited summercamp starts. Then I would really need to have my own wheels since the summercamp starts at 7 and my Mom cant take them since she is on vacation; I do hope that she would take them the days that I cant...Lets see what happens.

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