Monday, June 12, 2006

Reunions and more

In old times people thougth that the full moon made persons crazy, or at least do crazy things...In many ways it may somehow affect us as it affects nature...This weekend, although had a beautiful moon to simply lay down and look at it, was a terrible one, since moods were as hot as the climate and unexpected as a ride in the rollercoster...Good and all the wrong things happened, from relaxing and happy Fridays to heated evenings with heated I decidedf or the easy exit...turn the air condition ON and watch movies and SLEEEEEEEEEEEEP ALLLLLLL afternoon.... A luxury not enjoyed since...hey I cant remember!!??
Anyway, lazy time happens fast and so Monday has arrived...back to the dreaded ringing phone...never ending request for approvals and sickness...Trying to escape I started reading my mail and found a weird message announcing a get together for my high school class??????What???? After all these years they rememberd that the class was a group of 90 something instead of the privileged group of 20 or so...At first I thougth What the fuck???, then came the why not...but rigth behind it was the I dont give a fuck since I never had any sort of friendship with any of what's the use in meeting with a bunch of strangers that went with you at school but never ever talked/made friends with you...specially if you see them in the street and they simply turn their heads..BUt is even better if you say HI and the hipocritical mode turns on...Most of them wont even remember me so why should I remember them?
My life in school was ok, I enjoyed watching others lives happen while I did what I wanted...I used to regret being there since I felt that I didnt belong but I was happy to have the learning oportunities that I had, and getting to know those teachers that really made learning a part of life...If in any case I would like to meet again with them...that made everyday a wild ride...

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