Saturday, July 01, 2006

Neverending story...

Where to start? Yesterday the witch started ranting because I am irresponsible in taking care of a tortoise who appeared in my home and because I dont understand the nature of cats, as they are what they are and I recklessly let anything happen in my home...And then all that ranting was directed to my even more lousy self because I let everybody do as they please destroying all in their path, I have no personality, no life of my own because I am only a simple breeeder of kids who only talks about children and have no future or hope...I think that about sums all it up...No, also I destroyed Groundels life and in turn I will be destroying hers plus I "concealed" and agreement between Groundel and, no thats such a nice word I created a mirage to protect the LIE that Groundel said and in the process I am also a liar...
Well, if and only in the if world that should be the case, I wonder what may be worst: not talking about a matter that doesnt concern you and that you havent asked about, or being a nice hiprocitical self, talking to me as if nothing bothers you and then revealing your true feelings of now and of long time? It seems that your so called true friend is for you a wortless, lying, unsuccsesfull, unprepared, irresponsible,careless someone that has no life and exist only to make you see everyday how perfect you think you are..And if that is the case then how could you ever consider me a friend, wich leads me to another interesting matter: trusting openly.....Do you really know the meaning of that? Because as I recall trusting openly in YOUR TERMS means telling about everything of all aspects in life, something you have never done with me. All your troubles with G or Coriolis or Groundel I am last to know the real details and, do I go around proclaiming that you never shared that with me? NO, NO, NO... How do I know about the tiny details? ... well some Coriolis told me, others have a way of coming and going and I have never made a Crusade out of the things that you have never shared with others and not with me, WHY? BECAUSE YOU MUST HAVE HAD YOUR REASONS !!!!! BECAUSE A FRIEND SHOULD UNDERSTAND AND BE THERE FOR SUPPORT, HELP AND CARE WITH ALL THE BEAUTIFULL THINGS AND ALL THE FLAWS....BUT IN THE END YOU HAVE NEVER REALLY TRUSTED ME what a small little world...

Evenmore, our friendship is of so little value that you care not if I ever speak to you again, because as always you must have your say and way, and nothing else matters. But I wonder do you care to talk to me?....Problaby not, this is your way of throwing me out but blaming me in the process..Was this one of your so called plans to make your perfect life even more perfect? Anyway, what's there to talk about? The differences are as great as an abyss and there will never be a bridge big enough to unite both sides...

Frankly if I didnt say anything about the matter because as I said, it didnt concern you as all your bussiness matters do not concern me; the choices you make are yours to deal with, so are mine. But this is a chapter that shall never be touched again since it revealed a greater truth, that after all these years: I am meaningless nothing in your life and we have wasted both of our time and love.

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