Saturday, August 19, 2006

A touch of fate....

Once life seemed to be hopeless..I guess everyone goes by that every once in a while but..something happens..something unexpected that gives magic back into life...Then it is easier to see the fairies, wish upon falling stars at night, take a trip to Neverland...anything seems possible...But fate has always other plans and twists events so ever nicely that it may seem that everything fades away in the mist of dawn....

It is really so ironic how can things change so quickly, in less than seconds...A simple word or phrase can disrupt someones life; or even a glance can mean the world in someones mind...But what is done unintentionally sometimes is what carries the heaviest burden of creating changes...Is there any way to revert a change or is it impossible to reestablish the peace and harmony that once was?

What once was...maybe it was never meant to be...or still many other things have to unfold for it to take place...But now doesnt seem to be the best time
As with anything the changes have to be accepted an embraced, learning of the experience and try to grow out of it even if it means to carry a heavy burden...It is easier to accept a mistake and keep on with life; than live a life as a lie...Saying sorry may in reality give nothing but heartache...But for those who count it as meaningful; sorry...

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