Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Dead Calm

Some say that after the storm all that is left is peace and quiet..I certanily do hope so...But now all I sense is the dreadful waiting for the stamp of approval or a heavier accusation...I know that I have nothing to worry about, I have done no wrong but... people that want to hurt could have their way sometimes..So all I can do is wait...and try to set my mind in other things or the stress will kill me..

The idea of creating a school at home should be enough to keep me busy...I am expecting to have everything wrapped up by the end of the week..So by Saturday we could more or less officially start his journey. In some stupid way I am glad that all this has happened..Many years ago I had set my mind to create a new kind of school, this isnt the original idea but it is the beggining...Who knows maybe in the end itwould be ten thousand times better than what I had pictured...Nothing to loose in hoping...

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