Thursday, September 21, 2006

Absent minded me...

Yesterday was a little...busy? I arrived to work with certain things to do on mind, when I looked at the entrance a cascade of water was falling through the stairs...Yep, tons of water going down out of the office...WTF???!!! Still I was seeing it and I couldnt beleive it..I had no idea of how or why it was happening or had happened...Then I found out that I had forgotten to close the water in the the swiming experience was all because of my forgetfullness..At first I felt like all the bad luck had followed me this week...The battery for the computer was dead, along with some desks and files..Thank God that I have the boss that I have since she was not bothered and laughing about it!! Still it bothers me how I could have forgotten something so simple...I guess I need to be more conscious of what I do..

On other matters I have finished painting Sharkboys room..Only Lavagirl and half of my room to do..During the weekend I managed to do the livingroom/kitchen and the halway...I am not sure if I should do Lavagirls room tonite..I am a little tired but I will rest better if everything is done...I will toss a coin and see..

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