Friday, September 29, 2006

Its Friday!!

Finally another week has passed by...And unlike many others I am not happy because I look forward to go someplace or party, but simply because the rutine is finally over...As always the week went by withiut major changes until Thursday...My Mother in law finally accepted that she knows not how to deal with Sharkboy but at the same time she simply back out and gave up...She told me she felt sorry for me since I have to handle him, his behavior and everything involving him on my own, she felt sorry for not being able to do more but when dealing with the devils work there was not much to do besides pray...
I almost snapped..the devil's work..and then some of the witch's words echoed in my mind...My natural ability to get people against say the wrong thing at the wrong time...And also I thought of all the previous times I had tried to talk to her with no I simply decided to say nothing and left..what's the use? She has never cared to understand..why should I care?
But then all the thoughts as I drove home kept my mind in a race...The right, the wrong, the matter what things have not seemed to improve in any way...I am left with all the problems, no solutions, no way out...A few weeks ago I came across a wonderful lady from la Alianza de Autismo; as always we talked about how things were...And after I said a few things she said: you are still on your own? We need to get together simply to talk and have cofee...At the moment I didnt understood why, but she is so right...It sometimes seems to be so heavy, such a looong road, so lonely...And it isnt because I think this situation has happened to me only; because I know I am not the only parent with a child with special needs but because every time one tries to talk objectively, and looking for an option I get nothing..Zero, sip, nada...just a patt in the shoulder and a " keep on" like that would solve anything...Very frustrating...
Anyway...I also fell on my knees getting out of work..God would only know not only does my emotions are down but also my knees...another one to the list of aches and pains..But the only thing I dislike is the bruises...Although I should get used to having them without knowing why...I guess I should remember that the battle is neverending...

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