Monday, September 25, 2006


I dont think it actually ends...It is all part of a neverending cycle of events...Finally I was able to finish all the moving around and painting of the rooms...But now I have to finish the regular stuff of the week..laundry, folding, dog/cat washing, moping etc...And sadly I am not in the mood...I should have followed an advice in a website never clean before startingsomething new, simply START!..because at the end you will be so burned out that there will be no energy left to start...So damned true!

On a different twist Saturday was a looooooooooooooong day...When I woke up, drained because of that damned dream, I thought of staying in bed but I remember the docs appointment so off I went to get everything ready...Foolish me, as always having Sharkboy and his father awaken at the same time isnt the best idea if you want t o be on time...After a little rumble I finally managed to get no success...another quake took place at the car that was endless...So I simply decided to quit..Too tired to fight, argue, analize...So home to try and find some peace and quiet..One good thing was that Sharkboy got invited to a b-party at the bowling center and I wanted a change of scenery...and after another set of rumbles we managed to go....

It was fun to go there, so many years have passed...Too many good and bad memories...but in some ways I regret having left..Anyway at least I got a chance to talk to an old friend, he still is the supervisor..He is starting to get tired of the same old thing, but it is a secure the rutine is very bearable...It was good to talk, he hasnt changed a bit...same crazy guy...Also lavagirl and Sharkboy had a lot of much they were tired and quickly fall as sleep as we got home...At least they did..

I managed to get a start on the paint jobs and by 1 am I realized I should stop and try to join them...But I mistakenly found some old movies and watched them until finished. One was Sybil and I didnt remember that it lasted 4 hours!!!! And people critizized Lord of the RIngs for being long...It was long but good...Took a walk outside to see if the change would help..and it eventually did...But I had the same dream again...I hate to sleep and dream, one wakes up more tired and stressed..

At least the new day went better that I had expected many things were done..Good feeling of acomplishment, although every inch of muscle hurts..And I was able to dooze off by 9...Being tired finally pays off...

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