Tuesday, November 21, 2006

B days and Thanksgiving!!

Raven's nest...

On Monday was Lavagirls birthday, finally 5!! As per her request no bday party, only her close ones to sing to her and blow the candles..Incredibly she enjoyed it very much...So much that all this week I had to light the cake again and sing to her!!!LOL..Well you never turn 5 twice, so its better to celebrate it as much as one can...

Wenesday I spend it doing paint work at the in laws...12 hours of work but it was finished, hate the colors but I dont have to live there. I was so energized with the work that couldnt sleep much and as Fate declares it my mom showed up at 8 am. She came to remind me of the goodies for the day and my mission for cheesecake and coquito. So off to the task..I have to say that it came amazingly good, I will try to get some to Groundel and hope that the Witch passes by...The coquito came out damned good too, at least something to celebrate with.

So officially the holidays are starting..Lets see what surprises they may bring..happy thanksgiving!!!

1 comment:

Vierna said...

Ermm... puej... he regresado al cyber world despues de estar fuera por una semana, so... Better do another cheesecake and warn me 2 weeks in advance o algo! LOL Or just CALL. I dont get it, I get all calls from Alex so my cel is working well most of the time. Zordaks house is a void that sometimes lets the signal in and other times not... maybe that's it... :(( Whatever...

Hope u had a nice free week. Back 2 reality 2morrow... :P