Thursday, April 19, 2007

Tracking data

Yes, thats my homework for now. I have to find a way to keep track of Sharkboys behavior 24/7 in order to find anything that would be a trigger and to have an idea of how often it may happen. I am thinking of a web cam or a survaillance system, any ideas anyone?

His behavior has been erractic...He has had good and bad days...He has been willing to "cooperate" but his routine still doesnt include the main or most important things...I am trying to find a way for him to learn or find interesting the use of a planner. It would help him remember what he actually has to do, keep track of it plus learning the organizational skills. But until now I havent found anything that attracts him enough to use and that he doesnt loose. This weekend I will try again the picture calendar he had when he was little, he feels somehow embarrased by it, but I feel he needs the visual aspect. Obviously I will do one for Lavagirl too, still dont know how big or small but it will depend on the pics that I find. I am considering taking pictures of them doing the things...It would be even better, I will try to convince my sis to lend me her digital camera. Yes, I dont have one...Lets see what happens.

Yesterday I went to Borders and found like a journal but designed for boys. I was really surprised since I have never seen it before, mostly dairies are marketed for girls. But the best part was that it was on clearance!!!!!!! Sorry, but due to budget circunstances I do most of my browsing on those areas. Anyway I picked it up hoping it would promote the writting side of Sharkboy and it did!!!! He was very, very happy with it; even to the point of keeping it at his side at all times. One awesome thing was that he had been all week with his constant obssession with video games and POOFF!! it is gone!!! I am praying that it would last for many, many weeks to come.

My schedule this week has been a little off...I have been getting out of the office later than usual, so not much has been done. One good thing was seeing the Witch on Tuesday night, it has been quite a while since we had been able just to chat, ponder. It is sad to see that her dream house has become a nightmare. It is very tiresome and hard having to do so much repair with very little $$$$$$$$$$$. It seems to be like a curse: one may love to stay here in PR but living paycheck to paycheck is insane, so everyday the idea of loooking for another horizon to call home seems better and bettter. My kids always say they would love to see the snow, live in a new place...This year I am hoping ( and planning to do magic tricks ) to see if we could do our first vacation trip to Disney. Maybe then it would be a good time to browse and finally flip a coin.

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