Thursday, May 10, 2007

Quien bien te quiere...te hará sufrir...

Thats a saying usually used when someone loves another so much but instead of making life easier he or she makes it a living hell...out of caring and love. Yes, it doesnt sound right but that usually applies to parents, when they do or say things because they think its the best for their children without seeing that they are making life more difficult or stressfull...In my case my Dad is...well, open minded and he doesnt mess around my life unless I ask for any counseling or guidance...My Mom is sometimes like that, but there are days when she points out EVERYTHING I do wrong so I make it right...She usually forgets that sometimes I lack the time or will to do so...But I am not writting about them, no...its about my In-laws...

My Inlaws are like any other around...but with a twist. My mother in -law is...well...I would say completly stubborn, close minded woman I have come to know. She is always right, knows everything there is to know about life and raising kids...That has been her only job all her life; she never went to school ( cant read or write), being the oldest she took care of her brothers and sis and after marrying she took care of her kids and those of her sibblings...And then having so much experience she took care of my son Sharkboy...She has never accepted that he is on the spectrum, she never acknowledge anything that worried me as he was growing. She always kept commenting that I could kill him with the meds, now that I dont want to use the meds she says that I have to use them...Recently I have come to see her mood changes, she is physically healthy but her swings in mood worry me.

I have always tried to talk to her and explain what was going on and what the docs say we should do or what I have read but its like talking to a wall. She never listens...For her Sharkboy is possessed by the Devil...His tantrums and rages are the work of evil spirits and some day he will kill us all????????????????????? This is the same woman that cries when she doesnt see him and tells him that she loves him...HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE???? For me it isnt logical to love someone and have so horrible thoughts about a child.....and not any child, your grandchild. What hopes can she have for him?

Today I received a call from Sharkboy...He said that his grandmother told him that "guapetones" are killed by other bad men with a huge knife while cowards where left alone...That if he kept his defiant attitude he will be killed one day. He, then asked me why did she say that and if that will happen to him...If he was a troublemaker? And the moment I was speachleess but told him not care about it, and tried to start a new conversation. I asked if his Dad had arrived and he said no, but that his aunt did. Sooo I tell him to go outside for a while and then go back to the computer so we could "talk" better about what had happened. Fifteen minutes later he arrives with his father histerical because Sharkboy told him what she had said and he asked her not say such things. She started screaming that Sharkboy is a chismoso, always making stuff up and telling others about it. Sharkboy was so scared to see her crying and screaming that he tried giving her a hug...But she pushed him away, screaming that she knows what she is doing and that she will never take care of him again! And beleive me she will not!!!!!!!

What is wrong with her? I have no idea...I could come up with a dozen hipothesis..but they would be meaningless and in a way useless...But its time to reorganize the plans that I had for my son...He can no longer stay with the homeschooling seems to start crumbling down. I cant take him with me to work, since my boss gave an ultimatum if I did...What will I do with him now? During the summer he might go to a summer camp from 8-3 but its only until July 6...After that...what will I do? .......... Maybe my mom and granny might help but then when the school year would be a problem again.....I have two months to decide if I should push him back to public school or quit my job and stay with him at home....Or by a miracle find a job that would allow me to work from home so that things wouldnt be so stressfull...

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