Thursday, May 31, 2007

Shows and more shows....

Lavagirl had her first dance presentation on May 12!! It was awesome!!!! She really loved it, felt as a star on show night! So much that she is looking foward to the next one on June in Mayaguez Mall and another at Plaza del Caribe... I dont regret in any way all the trouble and the expenses, for some it may seem unimportant but the joy of seeing her dance and smile makes it worth every penny and time!!
Her graduation, was on May 31, as expected it was an ok event. The school soesnt seem to know what a reharsal is...A lot of money was asked and to see so little done, well it pissed me off. But in the end Lavagirl enjoyed her night and was thrilled to know that school was finally over!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!
I am as happy as her, a break from all the schools hassles is very much needed!
As far as homeschooling we will not take a break...We will do "summer school", in hopes to catch up for the time we have lost...Plus if things improve during june I migth get help drom a doc to create a program specialy designed for Sharkboy, in hopes to help him and improve his concentration and abilities to cope...
Just in case I was doing "school cleaning" this weekend and I was able to organize better my paperwork...Finally I found some information I had buried ( Yes I found the conference manual and the name of the guy!!) but between today and tomorrow I will have some catching up to do...I miss my readings and searches...I realized I miss my classes...who knows maybe soon enough I could go back? Wishfull thinking...
Anyway, so long for now...I will try to post pics from the graduation later...

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