Thursday, June 21, 2007

Neverending story?

I have subscribed to over 7 support groups; of those only 3 are from Puerto Rico. From all I have learned a few things, shared tons of stuff and discovered that too many people are going trhough the same things ( or even worse ) that I go through with my son. I have spent the last year looking and not finding anything that might help, feeling hopeless, lost and with little to look for in his future. Most moms I read in the message boards are as drained as I am, struggling day by day, digging tru websites searching for that hint that might change everything for the better. In a way it helps to read all that because you know that you are not the only one with a kid so difficult, but at the same time it bothers a lot because no one has seem to find a way to help them improve their quality of life. And thats the scary thought, the notion that the story would never end and it would keep on as is for a long, long time.

I took a leap last year when I decided to do homeschooling. I am still not sure that I am doing it right, but I guess thats a feeling that would never go away. (By the way I am looking for used books for 5th grade, anyone out there knows of some let me know!!!!) By that I realized that meds and a regular school setting wouldnt help, I discovered that a hands on learning experience benefits him more and I came across sensory integration. It requires a lot of materials and time which implies money...Yes the green stuff, $$$$$...And if I added the Tomatis therapy ( nothing related to tomatos ), the psy, OT , speech I would definetively have to be a chairman somewhere to be able to do all he needs to burst out...Even the famous gluten, casein free diet its something that I want to go for and its more expensive than simply eating healthy...But I have tried the normal road before, therapies and meds without any success so its time to go the alternate road while I still have time to make a difference.

How will I do it? Who knows? I really dont know right now...Maybe I should do as a couple of parents that are selling botteled water at different shopping centers to gather enough money to do delfinotherapy...Yes, I know how it sounds but any therapy its good when doctors have no clue as what to do or offer. Even so I wouldnt consider it for my kid since I would like to something that would go to the apparent source of the problem: neurobiological. There are many theories but the main idea is that theres some for of deficiency in the inmune system that allows the body to absorb everything it receives and doesnt process it. The accumulation of all that the body is supposed to throw away is the supposed source for all the delays and behaviors. I will start with the suplements and then slowly move up in the food search to see which things I can include successfully. The only good thing now is that Sharkboy is willing to try the food so that he can be less anxious and afraid...
The alternatives are there, they are difficult but nothing is easy in life..Its all a matter of educating yourself and beleiving deeply that this is one option that may help or maybe the road to a better treatment and better life.

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