Wednesday, June 27, 2007

End of

For Lavagirl summercamp has been paradise; in fact she wants it to last forever! LOL!!! In contrast Sharkboy is saddened by it, and I do understand him. Against my intuition he ended up in the special group; the organizator had told me that they were in that category but that the activities will be done with the rest of the kids...That has never happened. He was eager ( even too anxious) to do the games and all the things but lately he would rather stay home. In his group he is the biggest, physically non impared boy; the other kids vary from autism to Down syndrome and cerebral palsy...As he says he always has to wait for them, they are very slow and he even found some disgusting. For that I was surprised that he would find them different ( even if it was in a bad way) because that shows that he is somehow aware of certain things..I used that to show him how others used to or even perceive him now with his behavior, and how he should always be consciuous of himself. But I decided not to send him back, because doing so would go against what I beleive is right for him.

Since the beggining I didnt want him to be in a contained classroom or separated form other kids...I wanted him to experience what other were and doing them in the same way...So, taking him to this segregated camp would be going back a million years in terms of special education services and laws...I had hoped that it would have been different but it was just a hope. I cant risk sending him to be stuck all day with teenagers that think he is just a rebel because he has no physical impairment. Maybe what really made my mind up was a comment made by one of the instructors regarding his participation in a trialo. When I picked him up he had a medal of 1st place, as I was congratulating him asking how he had done it the instructor came up saying that it was a special race done only with one other kid. "He ran with that little kid" moving her arms up as she said it...At the moment I just looked at her and walked away but it left a bad after taste. In a way it summarized their feelings, views towards Sharkboy and that was enough.
I dont regret having tried it but I will not repeat it in the same manner next year...

On Saturday Lavagirl will have her last show in Plaza del Caribe in Ponce after 3pm; then in November theres a bigger show done in Centro Cultural in Mayaguez. So will be traveling there to see how she does and hopefully this time I will make a video of it!!!

On a happier note I got the books for Spanish, still looking for Social studies, Science, Religion and Math...I am thinking on selling the old ones but if I dont find anything they might help a little...Lets see how that goes...Over and out

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