Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Summer Camp!!!!!!!!!

I went trough a lot of trouble to get my kids into a summer camp, reluctantly, I should say since I was afraid that they would either hate it or unable to take it. Today has been the second day, and to my surprise they are both really into the camp. Lavagirl surprised me the most since she went in crying the first day, but came out with a big smile and talking A LOT!!! Sharkboy really enjoyed it but still feels very anxious about the whole thing :( So much, that today the nurse called me to pick him up becase he complained of stomach pain and diarrea...As I took him to his grandmas I realized that he was very anxious, and relaxed as he approached the house...But he still complained about the pain, which makes me wonder if he might have some sort of problem with his vesicula or something related...I ll see if I can get that checked out...

But I am hoping that he might get the hang of the routine and hopefully enjoy it while it lasts...I am looking for things for him to do on July but the my area of reach is very narrow...I am looking forward to a program at the public library in Mayagüez, but I cant take him...I still havent found a victim to do the trip and wait for him...Another option would be swimming classes, still looking for that...Lavagirl is set for July, since I didnt knew that her scholarship covers the summer and she is able to go to their summer program...I might send her some days but not everyday, she might get tired of her school.

I do hope that the summer goes smoothly...

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