Thursday, June 07, 2007

Is it the summer?

Lately the heat has been horrible, so much that the whole family has stayed all afternoon and night enjoying the sweet, cold air conditioner...I dont want to see next's month energy bill...But it was a necessary thing, I dont think anyone would have been able to sleep anything had it not been for that...Which leads me to wonder if this cursed heat is the responsible for the weird behaviors or even comments that people do or say...In that I guess I should also include myself, since I have ( as the witch says) a natural ability to say certain things in a certain way that annoys the people I talk to...I know I have been more serious than the usual, even close to angry? but things have not been so good...and in no way have I been disrespectful or not provided a good service; the only problem would be that I have had a blank face and not willing to smile to other people's stupid remarks...
Adding to that a few weeks ago I had to bring my son to work, since I had no one to leave him with...Lavagirl stayed with her aunt because she was taking her and her cousin to the dance classes; which was the reason Sharkboy couldnt stay with them...As soon as my boss step in she trew a hard look and said that she had very clearly specified that he wasnt allowed to be at the office since all the patients were afraid of him and his behavior! If I had no one to leave him with I had to leave inmediately! Which I did...I was speachless...Then everyday she starts checking my arrival time, complaining that if I am not here at the hour I was giving her a bad image with the patients...WHAT????!!! ME?????!!! At first I agreed with her, but then I remembered all those times when patients are early and she shows up at 11 or 12 or those times when she calls at that time saying she wont show up....Is it my fault only??????????? I dont beleive it to be so..Interestingly enough, I have heard her say to patients that unless they talk directly to her, they cant assume that she knows that they have called or given info or that she is aware of their needs...As if when I give her messages doesnt count...or without looking at the file she would say that she beleives I havent send or faxed documents....when I have send them...Now she has been acting as if I am not here, asking only for minimum stuff or if she does ask its only by phone...I know I cant hide what I feel...I am upset, angry, bothered that she points out to me for all the flaws...but thats the main purpose of a boss. The only thing is that I would appreciate is that I would like her to inform me if she wants to change how things are or would be...Cause I can add ideas of my own...Starting by paying me weekly!!!!!! Giving me a lunch hour!!!!!!! Not allowing her kids to go in a rampage in the office cutting and destroying every piece of paper and then expect me to clean it as part of the office duties!!!!????
All this made me wonder if she wanted me to leave and she didnt dared to fire me...Just before the Sharkboy thing she talked to me about how wonderfull the states are and how much help he would get if we moved out...Because here everyone would keep on asking and expecting things from me instead of helping...As she would have to do, because the "office" is a great responsability and she needs a person that she can count on....Then she starts her complaints about how bad are the months to come, how little she will earn etc, etc, etc....Then she starts with the psycho attitude that she has to do everything in her own...Really????????.What can I think? I thought that I could quit....Leave before things get worse...But I have been doing my job...I cant afford to be without a job, at least not after christmas...So I have been searching, but nothing for now...Also I have thought that maybe her hormones are mixed since she lost a baby recently and her grandmother in the same week...
No matter what I have to wait quietly...Wait and see...Its a little weird and annoying but I have no other choice...I guess I better write a lot so I get the feelings out and keep on...I stayed longer in worst places, I can survive for a while...I only do hope that I might find the karma to balance this and Sharkboys panic attacks...The heat is subziding maybe the rest would too...

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