Tuesday, July 17, 2007

So...sh*t happens!

So nothing has changed much..Still my lovely boss plans on opening longer hours, apparently thinking to chain me to my desk and with no raise or paying schedule on sight...As her plan seems to go she expects me to be chained to the office from 8 till 4 while she gets here around 9, leaves at 1 to pick her kids up and then comes back. Why do I complain??? Well out of nowwhere she was possessed by catholic spirit and she HAS to have her kids in a catholic school so they can grow in the faith; so she chose a catholic school that is in the middle of the next town. So it would take her at least 30 to 45 minutes to get there, knowing the traffic coming back would be an easy 60 minutes without taking into account the time it would take her to pick the girls, mingle and walk back to her car. While she goes tru this I have to stay at the office waiting...letting people know she would be back and my spirit would leave and pick my girl from her school and drive Sharkboy to his music classes....
She kept telling me that if things are to improve we have to work more, that longer hours will get us paid, still I wonder how? It will take some time before people get used to the change, then she has to get used to work with her banshees in the office ( people have to get used to them too) and in one hour she isnt going to solve all of her patients problems...I know the hours would or could easily extend to 6 or 7...I know people dont show at the office to see me, they get mad or desperate when they have to wait for the doc no matter how much they may need her...How that waiting time is going to help anyone? Plus she has no plans on making BIG SIGNS so her patiens would know of her changes, nor she has bought an answering machine that could help too, to pass on information.
For me the schedule changes my plans for next semester completely....I wouldnt be able to pick Lavagirl up, take her to dance classes, Sharkboy's music & karate class and practice would go kaput!...The things is I cant ask my husband to do the picking up because he gets out at 3:30 and his job is the only one that pays on time!! Had it not been for it..I dont know how or what I would do...So he cant ask to leave early, I mean he could but he would loose the hours and no one wants that. My mom in the other hand would be an option but she has meetings, usually unexpected, that last until 3:30 or 4...Then I could ask my father in law to do it but he has a lot of appointments and most likely would ask me to give him $$ for gas or complain constantly of how much gas and time he looses or invest in that...Plus I had planned to do the homeschooling from Tuesday to Thursday from 5:30 to 7 plus Friday....that would go to trash since I would be getting home at that time...

What a wonderful world, right?

I need to work something out...I know my people and I wont be getting any help whatsoever...I could manage some changes but they cant be permanent. But I am pretty sure that I cant work later than 3:30 to 4 some days. If she cant accept that, well I will officially be on vacation. I have thought of putting Lavagirl on a public school to minimize the expenses but the car trips will be more and I have a lot of insecurities towards the public schools...Going to another private setting as of now is a crazy idea because of the expenses...also I have thougth that I deserve to have some sort of lunch hour to do the things any normal human being does...Its insane to expect me to be in my desk for 8 hours plus without a real break and have a positive attitude towards work!!!! Even people that do have all the regular benefits hate their jobs imagine me as of now...I definetively love it! NOT!!

Enough of ranting and complaining...back to reality

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