Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The good of the bad

Yep lately many things are going the wrong way...Or at least not the way that one expects them to go. For example my job, it is a lame, boring job but at least I got paid and managed to juggle all the stuff from Sharkboys schools and referrals...But lately insted of being better its going downhill: same amount of work, hours and no pay in sight until hopefully the end of the month. The really awesome part is that my boss plans on opening more hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW THE HELL???!!! Barely she is making ends meet and she plans on working more?? I had to draw the line there...I sincerely told her to find someone else if those were her plans...In the beggining when we were open until 6 she used to come in after 12 while I had to be here since 8....Its too draining and I have too much work at home to go back to that again..Although for the right amount of money I might consider it...But lets be realistic, things arent likely to improve so that I can get a raise and actually receive for some time.

As a good rat I have considered to leave the boat before it sinks...But a new job is not easy to find, less with the nice resume that I have...Plus it would mean a big change in my homeschooling schedule, I would rather not work at all for sometime. Then as things are here in our lovely island it isnt very wise to leave a job no matter how lousy it is...So might as well enjoy whatever is left of it or make the most of it....

On happier notes I managed to sell some of Sharkboys old books, the problem would be what to do with it...Either use it to survive or save it or gather the back to school/homeschooling materials...Choices, choices...Anyway I'll see if I can sell them all...

This month I am doing nothing with the kids, in terms of activities summer camps and the such. Simply we are enjoying the backyard, doing minor renovations; like finding a good gallon of RED paint and doing wonders with it...Finally the columpio is getting a facelift and hopefully if my experiment works I will have the tire up in the tree again and its going to be RED!!!! I had hoped to make some trips on July but due to the recent finances I am completely positive that I wont do them...But at least we will enjoy our dwellings to the max!!!!

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