Monday, August 27, 2007

Keep on adding...

Recently I had a "discussion" where it was addressed that both Starfire and Beastboy where into too many things and maybe they needed to drop some...In some ways it may be true, as I feel really tired sometimes from the travelings..but it all seems really worth it. This year with the band addition, Bb seems more into the music as he is totally responsible for the learning and has no one to ask for help. With her upcoming show Star is really looking foward to the rehersals and getting her costumes. Plus they are both getting the hang of the karate lessons and are practicing more and with each other! YAY!!!!!

Since all they are doing isnt enough, I received an offer for art lessons on Saturdays. At first I was reluctant of going, but after talking to a homeschooler mom, I realized that I had nothing to loose. What made me go was that the person was very flexible and was willing to work on the amount of time we had available plus she will take the class from what the kids were capable of doing. And after the first try it was exactly as they had said. The teacher played with their abilities and with a lot of patience got beautiful things done by them. I was really surprised of the work they both made but specially from Bb, because he hates paiting and thinks he is a lousy artist. The level of confidence and admiration he felt for his own work was amazing, he was at the same time surprise that he was able to do the drawing. Star made a beautiful orange, since she loves to paint and draw. I was really, really amazed! They came out of class really happy and asking when they would come back for the next one...a very surprising comment from Bb. So, officially we have added this new trip to our schedule...Later on I will try to post the drawings.

While at the class I realized that he still needs to work on his listening and following abilities. He acted quickly without waiting for the instructions, he easily forgot what he had to do or what was the task. But with quick repetitions and small amounts of instructions he easily kept working. I sure hope that this new adventure helps in those areas too, we are doing mostly activities that would help his attention span and focus so that later on we can move to working more independently.

I do have to mention, that Star is driving me insane with a problem at school. Apparently the school acquired the services from DE for lunch and they are making the kids eat the food. The administration gave orders to the teachers that the children arent allowed to eat from their lunchboxes so they learn to eat healthier...I do understand that they have to expand their eating habits but to what extent? Star cries every morning because she doesnt like the food served and she isnt allowed to eat what she brought. Everyday after I pick her up she eats desperately all I put in, isnt this insane? She is a good student, gives no problems then WHY they must make her go through all this?????????? I sent her to the school to learn to read, write, learn math, science and a little of religion. I do not send her to learn to eat healthy, I beleive that part at least should be left to the parents. If cant reach an agreement with the principal I dont know what I would do....Unless I somehow teach her to sneek things out of her lunchbox until a better idea pops up. I have been researching to move her out of that school, but everything else is really out of my budget..I could try to homeschool her too, but I am not so ready yet. I had thought of it for next year not next month. I sure hope that the principal has an open mind over the matter.

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