Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Yesterday as we came back from the band class I had an interesting conversation with Bb...I have been trying to figure his learning preferences; not only about the areas that might interest him but also how he could learn them. He explained that before ( previous schools) he thought that what was talked in school wasnt to learn it but simply to hear it and forget it. Also he said that he used to ignore the teachers because they talked boring, meaning that their tone was boring and he couldnt focus on what they were saying. Interestingly enough he remembers his 3rd grade teacher vividly because she explained things in ways he could understand them. when asked what those ways were he simply said he couldnt talk about it...that maybe later he could.
I know he process information better if he listens to it instead of simply reading it; which makes hard to find activities in certain subjects because many things revolve around reading. I have been looking for graphic novels to try and lessen the level of anxiety toward reading assigments, but age apropiate novels are hard to find. In the meantime I will be using some of my old comic books and hope he enjoys the ride.
Starfire still has her eating issues, I have another appointment to try to reach a happy medium over the matter. This issue is a simple example of how we have allowed our system to take over or control every aspect of our lives. The schools seem to beleive that parents are completely uncapable of educating their children or even worse, their view is the only right way to raise a child. They are easily forgetting that every parent has the right to educate as he/she understand is the best way.

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