Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Go, Beastboy,GO!!!!

Yesterday was the first day of soccer practice and we went to see how that worked. I was really surprised with the welcome Bb received, it is the first time that he wasnt asked how much he knew about the sport or how well he played. Simply they started their class and practice, for two hours he was running in mud, trying to kick balls with either the head or legs and he had FUN!! For that time I didnt hear a single complain or fear or anxiety; for me it was perfect. My only concern is that he came with some back pain, maybe at the end of the week I will have it checked.

Starfire didnt took the class because she had said that she didnt want to...But as we waited there and saw all the kids having fun in the mud she wanted to go in. She made her mind up a little late, as the class was ending, but that didnt stop her from getting in the mud. For Friday Iwill make sure she goes in quickly to see if she is up to the task. As of now she is getting a little pressure from her dance teacher, since she received a front row spot for the show. The teacher asked us to help her focus since she dances well, but gets distracted by looking at the other girls. Even if she knows the routine she still looks to others for assurance; the teacher hopes that by making her a leader she will get into the dance and shine!!

I managed to get some $$ for the dance shoes she needed, so maybe in the next few days they will arrive and get her into the dancing/ballerina mode! Talking about the greens...I am considering getting a fundraiser program so that I can easily get the money necessary for the therapies we are considering; approximately $2,300. The goal would be to get all that for January, which is a more reasonal time limit, but I really wish it could be sooner.

The alternative methods we are considering are: Tomatis, craneosacral and neurological organizational therapy. Here are some links to info:

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