Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Its a small world!

These past weeks have been very hard with many ups and downs. But looking back, I have to say there has been a lot of improvements and many things achieved. First Bb finally has made a routine in his schoolwork, I guess in part because the topics are what he is interested now: solar system, weather and myths. One great achievement, that I didnt expect, was a composition he wrote for a lego contest. He saw the ad and wanted to participate, he spent an hour or so building his ship and even took the picture. After he was done he asked me to help in the composition but I told him to write down his ideas and then we would review them. The next day he had written almost 40 words with a clear idea and perfect handwritting!!!! I was more than amazed with what was written and with the neatness it was done. To say the least I was speachless.

Another great thing was that he was able to tie his soccer shoes without any guidance...its been many years of practice and frustrations and finally!!! I am glad he has mastered the process even if he still has issues with the thightness its simply one step up. On a downside his music lessons arent improving much, even if he is practicing now more than he used to. I know he comes out of the band very overstimulated and he feels lost sometimes...I dont know what can be done so this changes a little, the director told me has missed many assigments and I explained that he has never mentioned he has any, had I know I would have made sure that he would hand them in. He said he understood and that he would try to find a solution to this. Lets see what he comes up with. Also in karate he is very lost and constantly tired ( at least thast what he says) and the sensei is too soft with him. The sensei allows him to sit and drink water whenever and that shouldnt be so. He has to learn to wait and accept rules and in that the sensei is failing...why I have no idea.

As an opposite the soccer coach is constantly punishing Bb for not following rules and for being distracted. All this time I have stood silent because Bb didnt want me to tell anyone anything, plus I didnt want him to get any special treatment as in karate. But yesterday was too much, the only name that was heard all over was Bb's and he had to run 3 times around the whole park ( which he wasnt doing). At the end of the practice I approached the coach when I told him I was Bb's mom he automatically said: well I cant let him do whatever he wants". I told him that was perfect, that I agreed with him but that I wanted him to know that his distraction and his lack of contact were due to his autism and that when general instructions were given he usually was lost. Which meant the would need direct guidance and patience since he had never played sports before and that I only wanted a little patience and a handfull of guidence without any privileges. To my surprise he muttered: Thanks for letting me know I too have a kid with autism". Instantly I told him that I was happy because at least he understood and knew what I was referring to and proceeded to ask the age of his child. He said his kid was 2 and a half...Wow...he was just starting the journey...I only could say I am glad you got him dx so early because you are starting early and have a huge window of opportunities ahead...Now theres a lot of hope for recovery and a great life for them. He thanked me for the hope and assured that he would try and hel Bb too.

Its a really small world after all...or autism is turning to be the epidemic the doctors and pharmaceuticals dont want anyone to know about. This year the average prevalence of autism has lowered to 1 in 120....Next month is Autism Awareness month and theres going to be an activity in the Pabellon de la Paz, San Juan on November 11. Everyone with a child in the autism spectrum or neighbor, specialist is invited. The goal is to raise more awareness that this is biologically treatable and not simply a mental illness...As if I had any free time I volunteered to answer the Alianza hot line thinking it would be mostly for info of the upcoming event. Sadly many people are calling asking for help, treatments, evaluations and dx...From everywhere in the island mothers are looking for support and info and most dont have any sort of access to the internet. Hopefully the Alianza someday would have an office that could provide orientation services and provide the necesary information to parents.

Lavagirl has been very busy too...From having the worst flu ever to doing rehersals 3 times a week plus her liberating soccer she is one busy gal!! Today is the picture session at the dance academy with her tutu, hope that goes well. I do hope to arrive on time but it all depends on what time my mom comes out of her meeting since my car is on sick leave until who knows when. Because of this BB and Lavagirls dad is on taxi mode, so he is responsible for the trips to music and karate today. Tomorrow we have to take Puppy to the vet since he seems to have some ear infection or an allergy reaction to flea meds the doc should let us know. How will I get there I have no idea since tomorrow my husband has to take his Dad to San Juan for an operation and my mom has restrictions on her car so...There shall be a way...

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