Tuesday, October 23, 2007

War of the worlds

Lavagirl has been in the same school for the last 3 years. Unlike Beastboy I wanted her to have a good experience and didnt plan to make changes in her school enviroment, that is, until last year. Beastboy went to the same school with no success, having had a rough experience I wondered if I should take her out and move her to another school. At the time I decided not to since she seemed to be really comfortable and happy and so she stayed for another year. During that time we were investigated by goverment agency suposedly for neglect in their care; it all turned out to be a false accusation but the process is really not so great. I have always wondered who made the call, and suspected the school but had no way of finding out. This last thursday I got my answer. The school again called Social Services but added the bonus of calling the Police.

If the previous experience was bad, this one was has no words to describe it. I dont want to say much about it since it needs to be left behind, but like the previous one turned to be a false accusation with no reason to be. They nicely explained that it was clearly a misunderstanding and a lack of communication from the school administration...During the process we consulted 2 laywers, both agreed that this seemed to be an standard procedure of the school and that it shouldnt happen again. Something should be done to secure that not only to us but to any other family. Both the investigators and lawyers wondered what had we done to them that we were the focus of their accusations. I still wonder the same thing.

They all agreeded that I shouldnt remove her inmediately but she shouldnt stay there for the whole year. The problem would be where to place her and when to do the change...As of today I havent been able to find a school with any opening, private or public...I hate to take her to school and wonder what they would come up next, plus leaving her crying everyday because she understands that she was "arrested" because something she did at school...It is a paradox, because she also cries when the subject of a new school comes up and thinking of a new enviroment and kids...
But in between all this mixed up feelings, I have to find a way of to pull their strings and declare war to an institution that loves to play with peoples security and enviroment. I have been searching around and I am not the first to experience this trhough their hands but I would love to be the last.

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