Monday, May 22, 2006

Gone in 60 seconds

Finally the weekend came...and its already over...On Friday V took us to Caña Gorda, marvelous place, has everything to enjoy a wonderfull day at the beach...Both kids loved it!!! V says that I got an hour os silence and rest, for me it looked like 10 minutes but it was worth it...I would love to go back next saturday. The rest of the weekend went as always: work until late afternoon, pick kids up, cooking, laundry..whatever...Yesterday Groundel and Vierna came requesting a cheesecake and brought a dvd: The Wig...A cool asian movie...unlike americans who look for the unnatural in monsters, spirits or aliens, asians look for horror in the everyday things..even Lava girl was hooked into it..At least was good way to end the weekend.

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