Monday, June 05, 2006

Back again...

I thougth that I would be able to post more but...a blog is as dreadfull as a normal journal...too open, everybody can look into your ideas, fears and dreams...But there is only one life to live and every oportunity should be taken. I hid in shadows most of my high school life, afraid of letting anything in at all...The witch knows...And after all these years, I am still inside the fortress...

Just now I found that most likely my mom has breast cancer.... Still I dont know how aggressive it may be, but either way is a really scary situation since it is a death sentence in most cases...Cancer has always been a BIG presence since my grandmother, aunts, cousin have suffered from it...or died by it...I am scared for her since she started a new life a few months ago...and finding this now is devastating...I would love to cry my heart out because the pain is so great but I think how scared she is rigth now that what I feel is nothing compared to hers...And at the same time I wonder if I would be in her place a few years from now? I just hope I have the strenght to help her get through all that lies ahead...

1 comment:

Vierna said...

Silence is good, silence is great... But when you keep silent when you should speak up then it is wrong. Those times are NOT simply to argue or fight. You have much to say about everything, so it is a good thing you decided to blog. If noone is there to listen to you, the net is open 24/7 and the best part is that in cyberspace noone will hear you scream (but they can read about it) ;) You had talent for writting, practice makes perfect. You just have to keep in mind that this is YOUR blog, you say whatever as you feel, and although people are allowed to their opinions sometimes you will have to simply ignore the fools (been there, done that). Just because a handful of people know YOU it doesn't mean the world doesnt want to KNOW you... You are very deep, very bright, and is about time you let yourself be felt. This is part of the ME time I always emphazise to you, so... Kudos to that!

Sorry about the news. I witnessed Mayra's battle (my Moca friend) and it was tough... Life is never fair, but one must not loose hope. God doesnt send anything that we cannot handle, and your mom is a fighter. If you both need anything, I'm a phonecall away.