Saturday, August 12, 2006

Of masterplans...

There must be a lot of people out there that love to plan, schedule and keep track of all the details to finaly achieve a goal of some sort...I have never been a fan of plans, usually if I had tried to have one something always showed up and screw it up...So once I decided to forget it, no more plans and simply let the wind take me wherever it would want to...I have wandered for too long without any sense of belonging..
Recently I had envisioned a of those that the Witch would even be proud of..step by step, little by little..considering every possibility. And then something happened, completely unexpected that affected the plan but didnt prevent it to keep going...And then the least that I thought of ocurred..`
which could put a hold to everything else or..maybe even accelerate it...depending on what may happen in the next few days. There are many things to consider, what I would like to do, how to do it and where...But mainly I should think of what is best for all and how to improve what exists now... Who knows maybe the plan wouldnt have to change after all...

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