Friday, August 11, 2006

Remember the Phoenix

Well, if Wensday had been bad, Thursday was worst. Sharkboy got suspended because of his explosive, aggresive outburst at school. When I picked him I was in the WTF!!!!??? mode since I thought that his punishment had meant something...apparently not. He used even worst words and behavior without reason. Worst of all he wont talk to me, since I am the evil avatar of punishment...But that I cant change..if he wants to hate for now so be it. I cant simply stand aside and watch him become so useless, raging macho who cant do anything for himself..One way or another I will get through and help him get a hold of his emotions. I just wished it would be easier...
He describes himself as a volcano or as an tornado out of control; unable to stop...But at the same time he knows that his behavior was wrong but wont accept it as that and that he needs to correct it. He has changed a lot during summer, I should have seen it comming..I had imagined it but thought that I was going to be able to manage it..How wrong I was...I sincerily hope that the Healer can bring ideas or shed some light as the direction to take besides the usual potions he proposes...In the meantime I will have to research again and start reading to see what can be done, if anything at all...As they grow its harder to find help or ideas since many people think that its already too late..
Today I went to do some chores at work and after that decided to take some time for myself...I need to take my mind of the pressure of what to do, where to go, why, how...I may have failed but I have not lost its a matter of keep going and ane way or the other get there...E came for lunch again...Tried to cheer me up and give ideas as to find an agreement with the school...but that is hard to get. I will try to since the investment in the school was a big one; but as I told the Witch my greatest hope now would be to homeschool...No more schools and systems, rules, etc
Last year I had thought of it but found it to be imppossible because I cant stop working, but I could find my way around that and use it to my advantage..
I guess that I would have to be like the Phoenix rise again from the ashes to a new start...

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