Monday, August 14, 2006

Reality check...

Yesterday I had the chance of getting together with a friend. It seemed that she needed to talk or at least have someone that could listen to her and her worries, so that for an instant they may be lifted. For some time now I have seen her sad, a little hopeless but also very positive that eventually things will turn out for good. But not this time, since all the troubles she has been having have finally taken a hold of her. In that I can relate...

In between all her court dealings,job searches she had never lost control. But when she realized that the love she thought was hers, really wasnt all started to fall apart. She was aware of what she had gotten into in the beggining, but had never actually accepted it. As a lover she had only lived the moment, the happiness of being in love and being loved...The certainity of being happy for being able of sharing thoughts, interest and acceptance...She only forgot that it wouldnt be forever.
All I could say was that at least she had her chance of happiness...Brief but fullfilling; strong within the limits they had shared, and that, above all that she should value..It would not be easy to be apart, but it was something that only time would be able to heal. And maybe in the end if it did matter, fate would give her the opportunity of reuniting or finding a better love. I know this were only words and the sadness that fills her heart wouldnt go away; even she would not listen to any advice and keep on with this love that seems to have no future...But who can actually say so?
Once someone told me that I should remember that every person creates his/her own future; fate has nothing to do with it...If so, there are many roads to choose from in order to achieve what one believes as happiness. I know that she has a lot of talents to help her in her journey; her voice is one that I admire the most. Her voice is so powerful and mistifying that can take anyone to the dreamlands...I just wish she would see herself as the beautiful, powerful woman that she is.
I guess that having lived the dream made hard the awakening...Those are the times when one wishes that the night would lasts forever..So dreams never ended..But reality is always there to keep us wide awake and in tune with what we actually live, even if one doesnt like it.

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