Monday, September 25, 2006

In difference lies perfection....

God saw how desolation was governing men and told his angels: "Human beings need help, you will have to go and help them."

"Since men have forgotten that I made them different so that they would complement each other and create the body of my loving Son, you will go down with certain differences"

And to each a task was given:

- "You will have excellent memory and concentration: you will be blind"

-"You will be elocuent with your body and very creative to express yourself: you will be deaf"

-"You will be able to write books, be a poet, you will have cerebral palsy"

-"To you I will give the gift of love, like you there will be many and there will be no distinction between race because all will have the same face, eyes, hands and body like blood brothers: you will have Down Syndrome"

-"You will be short and your good humor and charisma will reach the heavens: you will be a dwarf"

_"You will enjoy creation as I planned it for men: you will have mental retardation"

_"While others are worried with medical and technological advances, you will enjoy looking at an ant, a flower, you will be happy because you will love everyone and you will make no judgment. You will live on earth but your mind will stay in heaven: you will prefer to listen to my voice instead of the voice of men: you will have autism"

-"You will be like no other, you will not have arms and will do everything with your feet and mouth"

-To the last Angel He said:"You will be a genious; I will take your wings before you get to Earth and your back yill be hollow. Men will repair your body but you will have to improvise to succeded: you will have mielomenimgocellum, which means: honey from heaven"

The Angels felt happy with each task and went to Earth overjoyed. Each arrived to a mother's womb and grew for 6,7,8,9 months. At birth were received with pain, anguish and fear.

Some parents refused the task, others accepted it with anger, others blamed themselves until dissolving their marriage and others cried with love and accepted the task.

No matter the case, those who know their mission and their virtues are faith, hope among others, they have learned to forgive. With patience they go through life iluminating those that they wamt to love. Angels still are coming down to Earth with higher spirits and weak bodies and they will keep on coming as long as there is humanity in our world. God wants them to be among us so we learn from them...See why there are so many differences?

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