Saturday, September 16, 2006

Me, myself and I

After another wonderful night of work, tv and dark skies I manage to sleep some hours...By dawn I wake up to keep on...just to get my mind of child services...And 30 minutes later they showed up. So I had to spend all morning been interviewed, questioned, searched and looked at...I guess trying to see a hint of my so called negligence...Apparently nothing added up, except for the tiny detail that I didnt have enough supplies and the unfinished things around the house...( Groundel remember our mini adventure with the wall? and the paint? )Even the cats and the minions behaved...Both kids were happy and looked well..BUt I will have to wait until they finish the investigation..I am still waiting for the dark window and the music for I seem to be part of my favorite show: Law and Order...Now they will go to the school...more waiting time..I dont know if I am more pissed than depressed or a big combo of both. One of my neighbors, who is a social worker, told me not to worry..But that I should be warned, more of this may happen if there is someone out there who wants to fuck me...Every call they receive, they have to would this be a taste of what lies ahead?

And as always I end up with me, myself and I...and the kids...Like always he cant face a problem or be useful to solve it...or help...or simply be there...One more reason why I cant get rid of my pets..they are always there, the middle of nigth or at dawn...Nothing changes for better...

1 comment:

Vierna said...

why havent you called me? I didnt know until today... :(