Saturday, March 17, 2007


Finally I was able to see El laberinto del Fauno!! If you havent seen it, it is a must see!!

In the other side of life things are going ok...It has been a surprise that in a week full of volcanic ash and dessert dust I am allergy freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! I guess that when everything is over then it will hit me, who knows....

This week I was able to take Sharkboy to his first homeschooling activity: a science presentation at the Chemistry Dept in RUM. He didnt relate to the other kids but he loved the experiments!! Also they got a chance to see the Geology Museum ( quite tiny!!) but the great thing was the mamut fossils displayed. He has been a little into dinos lately. In addition he got invited to a boyscout troop and he liked the first meeting. I can openly say that I hated it; an hour and a half of torture!! I found it extremely booring and poorly organized, since the den leaders were improvising withe manuals as they read them. But they are just starting ( January 07) to try earn all the patches and stuff so they are doing everything by the book literally. I really dont like the idea of going back, it sounds like a school of the outdoors with many expenses...But I guess I should think of ways to help him build charater, values and friends...I will try to see a better side of it...If anyone out there has an idea of building an ant farm let me know, he had a homework of making an insect zoo but he freaks out just by hearing the word he got the ant farm just to see if he could complete the task...

Lavagirl will be a bunny in an upcoming show at her school plus she has to recite a poem of Spring, her choice. This weekend would be the search for it and see if she can memorize it on time...Plus her dance lessons are going, and going...The Karate class is not going anywhere, she likes the excercises but she doesnt like the kicking and movements but the teacher wants to give her more time to see if she finally follows the crowd. Sharkboy on the other hand is insane about it, I have never seen him try so hard to do something. I just hope he can keep up...


1 comment:

Vierna said...

Oh, you will get sick, sooner or later... Cronica de una muerte anunciada... LOL

You need to get rid of the double http's on your links or they wont work.

Glad you are alive & kicking! :D
