Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Going for a ride?

Where should I start? Last week was "free" from work and Lavagirl's school...But the work at the house awaited plus it was the perfect oportunity to boost the homeschooling agenda....... Right... One thing is to plan and another to be able to actually complete it. The amount of work at home was, lets say more than I had realized, you see without a washer theres a lot of handwashing and a few trips to my moms, which means all those things you could do at home have to wait until you are actually there. Another plus is that the stove burst into flames at the begging of the week, yep had my own little fire in the middle of the house. That taken care of meant no stove, no means of cooking=no eating; you see I had no $$$$$ for take out what I had I used for food that needed coooking. So, thank God for microwaves, BBQ and grills leftovers, that saved the week!! Later I turned myself into the mad scientist trying to make one stove out of two broken ones...It seemed to work, at least no more fires...

On the other side the kids were sick all week...Both seemed to have a flue with a horrible cough, that kept them ( and me!) awake most of the night. Obviously this week isnt the best for any sickeness since most docs are out on a vacation, I couldnt even find my boss!! LOL...So I had to improvise and they survived, finally found a combo that allowed a few hours of sleep. Being sick didnt help with the homeschooling, very little was done plus Sharkboys behavior was harder to handle. Meanwhile Lavagirl was different too, from sometime now maybe a few months she has been wetting her bed. At the begining I didnt say anything since I thought it was a passing thing or maybe due to a cold weather but since it adds more washing work its been testing my patience. Then by chance I mentioned it to my boss and it brought a view that I had been missing. Bedwetting is linked to emotional problems/depression or a sign of developmental problems...

Regarding Lavagirl I have always been on the watch, because of Sharkboys dx, to see any signs or problems on time...Until now everything seemed to be ok, she talked and walked on time, she follows directions and expresses herself acording to her age...She is a little loud, has trouble controlling the tone of her voice in certain places, she loves to hide in stores and has a strange need to be running around while at a store...Those are the only times were she seems to be too active...Was I missing something? Could it be that my focus on Sharkboy prevent me from seeing that she too might be on the spectrum? Or that she was stressed over having to deal with her brother's dx and present situation? The Doc pointed out that she might feel less loved because Sharkboy has priviliges that she doesnt....Even if I had explained everything to her I cant assume that she actually understood it or accepted it or even processed it and if by any chance she has some sort of learning problem of her own it would be even harder to understand.

But the fun doesnt end there, Lavagirl has very interesting toes. Yes, the condition is called syndactyly and it may represent something larger or it may not. So that would mean that I should do a trip to the geneticist just in case, for her and for Sharkboy. As it turns out there might be a possibility that he may have a metabolic disorder which would explain his behavior and problems...But I have my doubts...Seven years ago I went down that road, we saw neurologist, geneticists, pediatricians, neuropsichologists and all of them dismissed his problems as mental finding no physical evidence. I am aware that now science is looking into autism in a whole different perspective and maybe a better treatment can be found....Or not. Science and medicine are not far away from wizardly spells and magic potions..It is all trial and error, but what have I to loose? Money, lots of money because most of those labs and treatments arent covered by any insurance...Many things revolve around the big $$$$$ but it is better to be certain what exactly is going on to be able to go on.

In the meantime I know I have to keep a positive attitude, there are many people out there with worst situations, problems and without any means or opportunities. Besides it may turn out to be nothing or simply what I already know...But to be honest I am tired, loosing my patience to often or too easily...I havent been able to find info in the areas that we need help, or what I do find is not enough. Recently I found 2 books that assess anxiety and obsessions in order to eficiently manage the behaviors and go to the path of making them lessen in frequence. One targets exclusively anxiety and the other Asperger + anxiety+obsessions; they seem to have good solutions, a little pricey but I will have to check them further before taking the luxury. But I do need info that helps, that may bring light and a little guidence over what should be done and how.

1 comment:

Vierna said...

Did you try contacting the guy that I knew at work? The one that is in NJ and suggested you should read a few books, one written by his friend w/ asperger? He can give you all the info you need to cover autism/asperger. Let me know if you need his email again.