Monday, April 02, 2007

Ready?..Set, GO!

I havent been able to post during these lasts days due to technical difficulties with the internet service plus the only time we did have it, we used it with our homeschooling duties. A few weeks ago I decided to give a try to the Cub Scouts, hoping that their structure and reinforcements of values would help Sharkboy. As I said before I wasnt sure if it would work after the first meeting, but we had to go to a procession that represented the life of Christ ( done by kids) and we went to the Pine wood derby. The procession I thought would be the last of the cub scouts, since it was very long with a lot of sermons and prayers along the way. But actually both Sharkboy and Lavagirl enjoyed it, and talked about it for quite some time. It even allowed for more talk regarding Jesus, where and how he lived, what he preached and more! The following week was the Pine wood derby, were the kids had to build, paint and detailed a wood car for a race within his group and with another one. He loved building it, I think it was the first time that he ever did anything with his grandfather. The night of the race it was great to see him show off his car, plus he was able to participate on the ceremony and wait for his turn for the race. He won second place two times and he could careless!!!! He just loved the racing and being there!! As you can see I am sold! . I guess We"ll be loyal scouts for sometime now.

Oh, that same night Lavagirl had her Spring show at school. She was going to do a bunny dance, which she enjoyed a lot ( really looked very cute!!) It was nice, although I have to say that it sucked in terms of the general look of the activity and that you could clearly see that the kids never practiced in the theather. They all had looks of not knowing what was going on...but they had their fun jumping and singing...It is sad that such a great educational opportunity was lost, as years pass the importance of plays, acting and the such is being forgotten or simply done in such a mediocre way that it would even be better not to do it at all. But I guess its only me....

As of now in our homeschooling we are using Time4learning for Math, Science, Language arts ( English for us) and social studies. Besides that for Spanish I am only reinforcing reading ( fluency and going alongside the LA determine characters, main idea etc.) and calligraphy, for which I am using Handwritting without tears. Also he is taking music lessons and his karate lessons count towards physical education but to that I would have to add a health class since he has had many questions about his body and the role of sex in his life!!!!?????? Yes, the time has come...but I sense he ( and me!!) is ready to go into that journey. One thing I am sure of is not to give too much info so that he doesnt feel overwhelmed, just answer what he asks and wants to know. But lets see where thet road takes us....At least I would have this week off and the time to create more lessons and incorporate them.

Last week I had a follow up with Sharkboy's psychiatrist...It wasnt good but it wasnt that bad either. The doc knows that I take decisions over his treatment that are...well a little radical? or daring. I stopped medicating Sharkboy since december 06 and I dont regret it in any way. When he was 6 I found a doc that assured us that it was the best path to follow, therapies helped but not that much so I decided to give it a try. At the time I didnt have the best resources to look for more info, and what I did find led me towards medication. Its been 4 years of trials and errors, some where very good others very, very bad and in the end none provided a complete help. People assume that psy meds are like those we may take for a cold, HBP or even diabetes: you use them and they would control everything or even eliminating the problem with long term use. But they arent like that, they may solve a problem but they may create another inmediately or in the long run; making a complex situation very, very complicated. I remember that in one of my conversations with the doc we had hoped that one day he might be able to be medication free, well I decided to go tru that path since he no longer goes to a regular school. What would be the purpose of keep the medication if the main source of his anxiety is gone? No more demanding teachers, annoying bullies, endless copying, boring rutines, unsensitive peers, no more funny remarks...There are options available to deal with his tics, compulsions, obssesions, self agressions; they may not be easy or simple but they may empower him to take control of what he does and be aware of what he is doing right and wrong. I will have to re educate myself about the process and how to implement it but I know that in the long run it would be the best. The doc wasnt happy with the decision but he realized that it was an option worth trying, although he is worried about the homeschooling. For him homeschoolers are rebels against society and I may burn out as I am doing everything...But hasnt it been like that always? Besides that he tolds us to follow up with cognocitive therapy to help with the obsessions and compulsions but since there are no meds to manage there is no need for recurring follow ups with him. In a way I felt somehow alone and lost, not knowing what really lies ahead but the uncertainity of it is wonderful. Its an open door into the unknown but with the knowledge that it is a better option than from what we had or where we were going. Before it was very rare to hear him express any emotion besides excitement towards his games... To hear every I love you I hear from him is proof that something must be done right.

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